2.1 Principes directeurs


Users of this online learning resource are responsible for connecting with government and local organizations to ensure access to relevant information on refugee sponsorship in their community.






De nombreuses collectivités et organisations du monde entier participent au parrainage communautaire de réfugiés (parrainage de réfugiés). Pour tenir compte de la diversité des programmes de parrainage et des personnes qui y participent dans chaque pays, cette ressource d’apprentissage en ligne présente des points de vue sur les questions et les responsabilités qui pourraient être considérées comme étant universelles.

Rappel important : Renseignez vous au sujet des organisations gouvernementales et communautaires dans votre région et communiquez avec elles pour obtenir également des renseignements sur le parrainage de réfugiés propres à votre réalité locale.

À partir des principes directeurs pour le parrainage de réfugiés, nous offrons différents moyens de comprendre et d’aborder des situations courantes. Puisque de nombreux aspects du parrainage de réfugiés sont propres à chaque collectivité, vous – en tant que résidents de la collectivité – êtes des spécialistes de ce qu’il faut pour vivre et réussir dans cette collectivité. Grâce à cette ressource, vous prendrez en considération une partie de la préparation et de la résolution de problèmes qui peut être utile dans le cadre de vos activités de parrainage de réfugiés.

Gérer les attentes
Se lancer dans une nouvelle expérience ou situation en ayant des attentes précises peut mener à une déception ou à de la confusion chez les personnes concernées. Ce principe s’applique également au parrainage de réfugiés. Il peut être utile de prendre en considération divers résultats possibles, de recenser des hypothèses et de faire preuve d’ouverture tout au long de la période de parrainage de réfugiés. Soutenir une personne qui s’adapte à un nouvel environnement peut prendre du temps et se déroule rarement comme prévu!

Tenir compte de la culture
Pour parrainer des réfugiés, il est essentiel de réfléchir à la façon dont nos faits et gestes et notre compréhension du monde peuvent être propres à notre culture et à nous mêmes comme individus. Les membres du groupe de parrainage, les nouveaux arrivants réfugiés et vous-même pourriez avoir des normes culturelles similaires ou différentes sur lesquelles reposent vos points de vue et votre comportement. Tenir compte de la culture dans le parrainage de réfugiés consiste à faire en sorte que toutes les personnes concernées grandissent et apprennent – les nouveaux arrivants réfugiés, le groupe de parrainage et la collectivité.

Respect de la vie privée et confidentialité
Le respect de la vie privée et la confidentialité des nouveaux arrivants réfugiés sont essentiels. Les réfugiés peuvent avoir confiance dans le groupe de parrainage et communiquer des renseignements personnels, mais c’est tout de même à eux de déterminer ce qu’ils souhaitent communiquer et à qui. Il est primordial que vous accordiez une attention particulière au respect de la vie privée et à la confidentialité lorsque vous racontez une histoire ou communiquez des renseignements.

Tenir compte des pouvoirs
Le parrainage de réfugiés a pour objectif que les nouveaux arrivants réfugiés deviennent autonomes à la fin de la période de parrainage. Ils doivent donc être en mesure de dresser leurs plans et de prendre leurs décisions pour atteindre leurs objectifs. Votre groupe de parrainage envisagera de travailler avec les nouveaux arrivants réfugiés au lieu travailler pour eux. Une dynamique des pouvoirs existe entre toutes les personnes concernées, y compris les membres du groupe de parrainage et les nouveaux arrivants réfugiés; par conséquent, il sera toujours essentiel de tenir compte de ces pouvoirs pour assurer la réussite de l’expérience de parrainage de réfugiés.



Gérer les attentes



VIDÉO: (PFPR, YouTube) (en anglais seulement)Attentes liées au parrainage de réfugiés : points de vue des répondants et des réfugiés

Dans cette vidéo, les membres du groupe de parrainage et les nouveaux arrivants réfugiés avaient différentes attentes quant à l’expérience de parrainage. Ces attentes peuvent être des choses de moindre importance – comme la température – auxquelles les réfugiés peuvent mettre du temps à s’habituer. Parfois, il s’agit d’attentes plus complexes, comme trouver un emploi valorisant. Pour les deux groupes de personnes, il peut être question de la mesure dans laquelle le groupe de parrainage sera présent dans la vie des nouveaux arrivants et de la nature de la relation entre les deux groupes.

Il est important de tenter de gérer les attentes chez les nouveaux arrivants réfugiés et au sein de votre groupe de parrainage. Prenez en considération la mesure dans laquelle les deux groupes peuvent avoir des attentes reposant sur de multiples sources d’information, des malentendus ou des hypothèses fondées sur des expériences vécues.

Exemples d’attentes du groupe de parrainage qui peuvent être inexactes :

Les réfugiés ont des problèmes de santé mentale. Ils peuvent avoir vécu des épreuves importantes, mais leur santé mentale n’est peut être pas encore affectée (ou ne le sera jamais).
Les réfugiés sont moins scolarisés que les membres de la collectivité de réinstallation. Ils peuvent être scolarisés et posséder de nombreuses qualifications. Ces qualifications peuvent ne pas être officiellement reconnues dans le pays d’asile ou de réinstallation.
Les réfugiés n’ont pas d’argent ni de biens. Ils peuvent avoir de l’argent ou des biens qu’ils ont apportés ou auxquels ils ont accès.
Les réfugiés et les répondants deviendront des amis proches. Un lien solide peut se former, mais ce n’est pas toujours le cas. C’est acceptable, étant donné que la réussite du parrainage concerne l’autonomie.
Les réfugiés ne quitteront pas la nouvelle collectivité. Ils peuvent décider de déménager après leur arrivée pour diverses raisons, notamment pour chercher un emploi et se réunir avec les membres de leur famille ou en raison de changements dans leur pays d’origine.
Les nouveaux arrivants réfugiés s’adapteront rapidement à la nouvelle collectivité. L’adaptation à une nouvelle collectivité, notamment en ce qui concerne la langue et les normes, est différente pour chaque personne.
Les nouveaux arrivants réfugiés dépenseront (ou ne dépenseront pas) de l’argent en fonction d’un budget établi. Leur niveau de confort, de compréhension et de sens des priorités peut être différent de celui du groupe de parrainage ou que ce dernier connaît.
Les nouveaux arrivants réfugiés qui ont fait des études ou qui connaissent la langue locale trouveront un emploi. Outre le niveau de scolarité et les compétences linguistiques, il existe des facteurs, dans une collectivité ou dans la réalité d’une personne, qui peuvent avoir une incidence sur la recherche d’emploi ou les perspectives d’emploi.
Les réfugiés seront heureux dans le pays de réinstallation, et le resteront. Ils peuvent arriver dans la collectivité de réinstallation avec certaines attentes, et peuvent être déçus.
À la fin de la période de parrainage, les nouveaux arrivants réfugiés seront des membres très actifs de la collectivité; ils parleront la langue, termineront leurs études et trouveront un emploi, notamment. Pour devenir autonomes, les nouveaux arrivants réfugiés peuvent rencontrer de nombreuses difficultés qui peuvent être difficiles à surmonter ou à prévoir, même avec le soutien du groupe de parrainage.

Exemples d’attentes des nouveaux arrivants réfugiés qui peuvent être inexactes

  • Social norms or culture will be very different/similar to what they are used to.
  • The new community will be very welcoming/unwelcoming to them for various reasons.
  • There will be more than enough financial or material assistance available through the sponsorship.
  • The sponsorship group will do everything/not very much or will be constantly available/unavailable.
  • There will be many ideal employment opportunities.
  • Homes will be very large/small and will be fully ready for them/not.
  • The extended family will be able to join them later with the help of the sponsorship group.
  • They will be able to continue their studies quickly and easily.
  • The sponsorship group will know many/few details about their personal history or culture.
  • They have to be grateful and happy after arriving for the sponsorship group to continue helping them.

Examples of challenges that may arise from unmet expectations:

  • Trust being broken or difficult to build between the sponsorship group and refugee newcomers.
  • The sponsorship group makes decisions for the refugee newcomers, seeing them as unable to do so.
  • The refugee newcomers’ self-esteem or confidence may be affected by sponsorship group members expressing disappointment or dissatisfaction with perceived progress in adapting to the community.
  • Reduced motivation of sponsorship group members.
  • The refugee newcomers not communicating with the sponsorship group.
  • Relationships among sponsorship group members become challenging or produce conflict.
  • Sponsorship group members losing sight of the purpose being the refugee newcomers’ safety and life.
  • Sponsorship breakdown due to the sponsorship group or refugee newcomers being unable/unwilling to continue.

Where might these expectations come from? For both sponsorship groups and refugee newcomers

  • Rumours or misunderstanding information or support provided to other refugee newcomers.
  • Miscommunications with the sponsorship group.
  • Their/your own assumptions based on factors such as cultural backgrounds or personal experiences.
  • Excitement about resettling to a new community/supporting someone to adapt to your community and fantasizing about what that experience might be like.

How can we manage expectations?

Almost all sponsorship groups experience some challenges in managing expectations. You can try to minimize expectations and learn from the situations that arise. Throughout this online learning resource, you will encounter scenarios that involve managing expectations and you will explore ways of managing them.
Some approaches to consider include:

  1. Maintain two-way communication with the refugee newcomers and within your sponsorship group.
  2. Reflect on your expectations, how realistic they are and what they might be based on.
  3. Address unmet expectations when they arise from the refugee newcomers or within your group.
    • Communicating with them before arrival can be useful and can inform your planning. If it is not possible, you can begin discussing expectations soon after arrival.
  4. Accept not being able to fix or prepare for every situation.
  5. Be open-minded and compassionate through the ups and downs in the refugee newcomers’ lives.



Check In: Managing Expectations



Part of managing expectations is understanding that there are many potential successful outcomes of sponsorship and not just one right way to do things.


In a training journal, list a few of the successes that you would like to see in community-based refugee sponsorship.



Tenir compte de la culture



Reflecting on how our gestures, actions, and understanding of the world may be specific to cultures and ourselves is essential to refugee sponsorship. You, the other sponsorship group members, and the refugee newcomers have similar and differing cultural norms informing your perspectives and behaviour.

Your sponsorship group may benefit from learning about the multi-faceted background(s) of the refugee newcomers, as will the refugee newcomers benefit learning about those of the resettlement country and the sponsorship group. The refugee newcomers may or may not have received pre-departure orientation prior to arrival, so you may want to validate this and explore what (additional) orientation might be useful to them. This could be a great opportunity to learn about each other!

Considering culture in refugee sponsorship is about everyone involved growing and learning – refugee newcomers and the sponsorship group and the community.

Common culturally-specific behaviors or characteristics

As you explore these examples, consider discussing some of these questions within your sponsorship group:

  • How  do you personally view or approach these topics? Why do you think this is?
  • How do your friends, colleagues, or community members view these topics? Why do you think this is?
  • How do you think having some understanding of the perspectives of others on these topics might be useful in refugee sponsorship activities or certain situations?





Eye contact

Looking people in the eye can mean many things depending on the culture and individual. A few examples of meanings can include:

  • Showing honesty and straightforwardness;
  • Being aggressive and/or rude;
  • Showing respect (insufficient eye contact may be considered disrespectful);
  • Making others feel comfortable/welcome (too much may lead to discomfort); or
  • Being the most effective way to connect with people.

Non-verbal gestures

Motions of the hands, head or other body parts to indicate an idea or emotion is integral to non-verbal communication and can have vastly different meanings in different cultures. They are also common sources of misunderstanding or offense if interpreted from a different perspective than intended.

Directness and speech

As with eye contact and non-verbal gestures, approaches to and perceptions of verbal communication vary significantly across cultures, languages and individuals. A few examples to consider:

  • Providing direct feedback or asking direct questions can be considered rude, impolite, or confident.
  • Offering ideas and responses as suggestions may be considered most appropriate.
  • Avoiding asking clarifying questions may be to prevent being seen as challenging authority figures.
  • Idioms do not translate well since they are so culturally, linguistically or geographically specific.
  • Examples: “raining cats and dogs” (raining a lot); “put my foot in it” (did/said something wrong)



Time and Planning


Cultures and individuals emphasize planning, time and punctuality in a variety of ways. This broad spectrum of perceptions includes:

  • People must rush to meet deadlines or arrive to meetings exactly on time.
  • Being ‘on time’ is flexible in order to slow down to conserve energy in high temperatures.
  • Being certain of something depends on divine intervention and is therefore out of a person’s control.
  • Meetings or important events cannot take place on certain dates or times to avoid bad luck or religious or cultural observances.



Gender Norms


The refugee newcomer’s gender may significantly shape their experiences and goals, as it may for anyone. Gender norms are socially constructed ideas of how individuals should identify themselves and behave. These are often internalized from birth, for example, by the colour of clothes and being referred to as boys or girls. In many parts of the world, societal expectations specific to men and women can be deeply entrenched and can vary significantly.

Reflect on what gender norms may exist in your culture. Consider discussing within your sponsorship group.

  • How might the gender-specific experience of those in your sponsorship group differ from your own?
  • How might the experiences and approach to situations of refugee newcomers be linked to gender norms?

Examples of gender norms

  • Men wear pants and women wear dresses / Either can wear whatever they choose.
  • Men may be expected to secure employment and women care for children at home.
  • Men and women cannot socialize before marriage / They must socialize a lot before marriage.
  • Men/women are to socialize mainly/only with the same gender / They are to socialize with everyone.



Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression


Refugee newcomers who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer (LGBTQ+) may face additional challenges, even after arriving in the resettlement community. Given that homophobia and transphobia exist in many parts of the world, risks for these individuals may include physical and sexual assault, psychiatric confinement, honour killings, and imprisonment due to their sexual orientation or gender identity and expression. These terms, as in any language, are always evolving, but it may be helpful for your sponsorship group to explore their meanings.

Resources on supporting LGBTQ+ refugees include Heartland Alliance and Organization for Refugee, Asylum, and Migration (ORAM)

Considerations on sexual orientation and gender identity and expression

  • The process of identity formation may have occurred before or during forced displacement.
  • Risks of stigma, discrimination, or violence may continue in the refugee newcomer’s new community – from the general public and from those of similar geographic or cultural backgrounds.
  • Impacts on their mental health may persist or intensify following their arrival to the new community.





Religion, faith and spirituality can greatly impact a person’s values, goals, and approach to life. Some may be open about this or keep it private. The way in which this aspect of the refugee newcomers’ lives may need to be considered in your sponsorship activities can be clarified in ongoing, two-way communication.

Considerations regarding religion in refugee sponsorship

  • Have an impact on a person’s beliefs, values, goals, and approach to life;
  • May or may not be different from the sponsorship group members’ religion or other belief system; and
  • They (or you) may or may not be open to talking about religion or other beliefs.



Government or Institutional Authority


Our perceptions of and interactions with government or other institutional officials may be shaped by our cultures and many other factors, including past experiences. A few examples to consider can include:

  • Relying on family and social networks for services that may be provided and regulated by government;
  • Viewing the police as corrupt, unreliable, uninterested in providing protection, or intending to harm; and/or
  • Hesitating to interact with others in positions of authority, such as medical professionals.

When it seems appropriate, it may be useful for your sponsorship group and the refugee newcomers to discuss their feelings towards people in positions of authority or government. Many possible outcomes exist, including it not being an issue or only learning that it is an issue with time when trust between the sponsorship group and the refugee newcomers is established. If you do learn that interacting with government or institutional authority figures is challenging, you might consider strategizing together with the refugee newcomers about how to reduce what makes this difficult for them. For example, this might be as simple as sponsorship group member accompanying the refugee newcomer to learn more about how police function in that community and what services they provide, in a neutral environment like a coffee shop.



Strategies for Considering Culture


Cultures are complex systems made up of constellations of factors, and the ways that each person understands and experiences life vary. The goals are to learn more about each other and the refugee newcomers; for them to learn more about their environment; and to tailor your approach to them.  

Strategies for considering the many aspects of culture

  1. Learn about what might be part of the refugee newcomers’ cultural background;
    • Create relaxed opportunities for them to share their understanding of their culture and what it means to them;
    • Remember that certain perspectives may differ from those of sponsorship group members or that they may not wish to discuss them;
    • Connect with individuals or organizations that might share this background, possibly including former refugee newcomers, whilst keeping confidentiality in mind;
  2. Think about how your behavior, assumptions, and perspectives may be culturally specific; and
  3. Build trust before entering these conversations, through patience, respect, and openness.

The factors explored in this online learning resource may need to be considered in some sponsorship tasks. As always, this can be clarified in ongoing two-way communication and mutual learning.



Check In: Considering Culture



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Respect de la vie privée et confidentialité



While refugee newcomers may trust the members of your sponsorship group and share personal details, it is still for them to decide how much of their lives to share and with whom. In addition to the core support your sponsorship group will provide to the refugee newcomers in the new community, you will likely also be encouraging others to get involved in refugee sponsorship by sharing your experiences. Therefore, carefully navigating privacy and confidentiality whenever asking questions, telling a story or sharing information is critical.

Privacy and confidentiality are relatively similar concepts. The main difference is that privacy deals with an individual’s right not to be asked sensitive and personal questions about themselves, while confidentiality is about keeping certain information as a secret, unless that individual gives permission to disclose it to others.

Strategies for maintaining privacy and confidentiality include:

  1. Highlighting that they have the right to keep their information private, and that the sponsorship group will respect this and not pressure them to change this decision. Hearing this from you shows respect, even if they still decide to share.
  2. Noting that being aware of certain personal information may improve the sponsorship experience, if they chose to disclose it. For example, being aware of physical or mental health conditions may allow your sponsorship group to find suitable services for the refugee newcomer to decide to use. Reiterate that it is still their choice whether they wish to share information.
  3. Adjusting your sponsorship approach to build trust as you observe who within your sponsorship group the refugee newcomers may feel more comfortable interacting with and consider why this might be.
  4. Remembering that the refugee newcomers sharing about their lives does not mean that you should share about them as well. What your sponsorship group or others know about them is their decision, including for sponsorship activities.



Check In: Privacy and Confidentiality



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Tenir compte des pouvoirs



The goal of refugee sponsorship is the refugee newcomers becoming self-sufficient at the end of the sponsorship period. This involves their ability to make their own plans and decisions to attain their own goals. There might be challenges for sponsorship groups and refugee newcomers work toward self-reliance for a number of reasons. For example, the refugee newcomers may be reluctant to disagree with the sponsorship group or say that they feel uncomfortable having certain choices made for them.

The idea of power is at the root of our interactions, and can it be understood as operating in a number of ways:

Power Over: Domination or subordination. Socially sanctioned threats of control and intimidation that require constant vigilance, and invite active and passive resistance.

Power To: Having decision-making authority. This can include the power to solve problems and can be creative and enabling.

Power With: People organizing with a common purpose or understanding to achieve collective goals.

Power Within: Self-confidence, self-awareness, and assertiveness. This is how individuals can analyze their experience to understand power in their lives, and gain the confidence to act, influence, and change.

Since power can be power over, power to, power with, and power within, considering power is not giving power to others, but exploring how you can use these forms of power to achieve a common goal. You can try to do this by creating opportunities, collaborating, and aiming for self-sufficiency.

A power dynamic exists between all people and in all interactions, including the sponsorship group members and refugee newcomers. So, always considering power underpins a successful refugee sponsorship experience.

Encouraging dependence versus independence can be seen as the difference between:

A Crutch

A Trampoline

A walking aid needed to move around
A surface to launch from

Some refugee newcomers may want more independence quickly and others may prefer more support, and there may be specific occasions when they prefer to rely on the sponsorship group. It may be useful to encourage your sponsorship group to reflect on ways to provide support and working toward self-sufficiency.
As you do this, a few questions to consider may include:

  • Which factors might contribute to the refugee newcomers’ sense of autonomy? How? Why?
  • Why might they be reluctant to disagree with you or to say that they feel uncomfortable having certain choices made for them?
  • What factors might contribute to the power imbalance in your interactions with the refugee newcomers?
  • How might the idea of family, and the roles and dynamics within it, affect/not affect your support?
  • How might certain group members, or the entire sponsorship group, support the refugee newcomers’ self-determination and aim for self-sufficiency?

A few examples to discuss possible approaches to addressing with your sponsorship could include:

  • Refugee newcomers wanting to be accompanied to medical appointments when feeling vulnerable;
  • Refugee newcomers refusing for the sponsorship group to organize employment or education;
  • Refugee newcomers preferring to be driven, instead of taking public transportation, due to convenience or hesitating to be alone or for a reason you are not aware of; or
  • Wanting to socialize only/not at all with the sponsorship group members.

Strategies for considering power and aiming for self-sufficiency

  • Highlight that it is the refugee newcomer’s right to make their own decisions. Encourage them to the possibility of saying no to requests or offers of support from the sponsorship group, or more generally.
  • Provide the relevant information so that they can make informed decisions. This could include referring them to community resources,  services, and professionals.
  • Accept the decisions that they make even when you may not agree. Of course, local laws and regulations apply and both the sponsorship group and refugee newcomers should be aware of them.
Source: RSTP YouTube ‘Power Imbalance



Check-In: Considering Power



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