
3.1 Fundraising-Strategien

Depending on the country, sponsorship groups may or may not be required to contribute financially to the sponsorship. Further, there may be certain laws and regulations governing fundraising that sponsorship group members should be aware of, for example, the issuance of tax receipts.

This course contains fundraising ideas. Many are also useful for recruiting additional group members and volunteers:


3.2 Wohnraum

Here are some elements to consider in deciding housing options.


3.3 Orientierung

Orientation helps ensure that both sponsorship group members and refugee newcomers are on the same page with regards to the scope of the refugee sponsorship.


3.4 Einrichtung und Bekleidung

Here are some examples of tasks related to furnishings and clothing that can happen before the arrival.


3.5 Beschäftigung

Eine Beschäftigung zu finden, ist oft ein wichtiger Bestandteil des Ansiedlungsprozesses. Der Zugang zu einer Beschäftigung ist der Schlüssel zur Selbständigkeit, und für manche Menschen ist es schwierig, sich als aktives Mitglied einer Gesellschaft zu fühlen, wenn sie nicht arbeiten können.


3.6 Medizinische Versorgung

As a sponsorship group member it is important so support refugee newcomers in need of access to health and dental care.


3.7 Psychische Gesundheit

Sponsoring-Gruppen spielen eine wesentliche Rolle beim Anpassungsprozess der neu angekommenen Flüchtlinge in die neue Gemeinschaft, da sie die Bedürfnisse der Flüchtlinge ermitteln und den Kontakt zu den erforderlichen Ressourcen herstellen. Das gilt auch für psychische Bedürfnisse.

Als Mitglied einer Sponsoring-Gruppe können Sie den neu angekommenen Flüchtlingen dabei helfen, professionelle Hilfe zu suchen, von der alle Personen ungeachtet ihres Hintergrunds profitieren können.


3.8 Spracherwerb

Knowing the local language can facilitate access to employment, to services and help interact and build relationships within the country of resettlement.


3.9 Bildung

Sponsorship group members can have a variety of responsibilities related to education. Obviously, the scope of these responsibilities depends on the refugee newcomers family composition, their ages, education needs, and the specifics of the education system in the resettlement country.


3.10 Transport

Your group is responsible for equipping the refugee newcomers with knowledge of and access to the various modes of transportation available in the resettlement community. Some sponsorship groups may also choose to separate transportation tasks from orientation generally.


3.11 Gesellschaftliche Veranstaltungen

An important way to support sponsored refugees’ integration and self-sufficiency is to link into a secure and supportive social network. This network may or may not include your group. While building a diverse network can take longer than the sponsorship period, it can be achieved if approached intentionally.
